World's Largest Healthy Gut Flow Summit
We Want YOU As One Of Our Keynote Speakers!
What Is The Healthy Gut Flow Summit?
The Healthy Gut Flow Summit is a FREE virtual event offering a roadmap for achieving optimal gut function.  Healthy Gut Flow is a collaborative effort between all digestive organs.  Having access to a working plan addressing specific areas of concern can alleviate stress as well as save time and money.

Expert gut health providers will showcase their knowledge by offering proven steps for healing one, or more, gut organs that contribute to the whole of digestive function.  This information can navigate potential customers to the right products and services an expert has to offer.
What Is Gut Flow?
Gut Flow is a system of digestive organs, and accessory partners, working collectively to masticate, propel, mix, liquefy, absorb and expel daily-ingested food, timely.  
  •  Gut Flow is the operative term for optimal digestive function
  •  Gut Flow is continuous movement
  •  Gut Flow is progress
Gut Flow  uses the last organ, a colon or large intestine, on a digestive tract as its intelligence guide. The remaining digestive organs depend on colon productivity to compliment their performance level.
The colon dictates Gut Flow. If a colon stops working, our digestion process is severely impacted and the immune system weakens.
To experience Gut Flow, a colon must consistently demonstrate a prompt ease of waste discharge. Thereafter, a digestion process can flow into high performance.  Whenever a colon excretes timely, the small intestine absorbs better, digestive accessories liquify food easily, the stomach condenses food efficiently, an esophagus propels food smoothly and the teeth masticate food thoroughly.  Gut Flow is the synergy of all digestive organs working toward optimal whole body function.  

Who Are Our Potential Experts Showcasing Their Knowledge At
The Healthy Gut Flow Summit?
With You As A Keynote Speaker...
A Gut Sufferer Is One Talk Away From Gut Health!
This is a growing list of potential expert speakers who have a burning passion to educate people about gut health.  They are known for making a difference in a gut health journey.  The more exposure they can generate, the faster the masses can secure gut help.  If gut health is your purpose and passion, become one of our valued, expert speakers!
Alejandro Junger, M.D.
JJ Virgin
Amy Myers, MD
Dave Kombucha Lindenbaum
Donna Gates, MEd
Kellyanne Petrucci
Chris Kresser, L.Ac
Christine Orecchio
Maureen Lake
David Wolfe
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
Dr. Eric Berg
David Jockers, DC
Edward F. Group, III, DC, ND
Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD
Sayer Ji
Kelly Brogan, MD 
Emeran Mayer, MD
Sara Gottfried, MD
Victoria Boutenko 
David Perlmutter, MD
Save Time And Energy! 
We Give You The Tools To Maximize Your Exposure!
Your schedule is super busy.  We want to support you by making it easy to take advantage of this opportunity.  Expert Speakers will have all the necessary tools to support audience exposure.
We make it easy to schedule and go!
Email Swipe Package
Advertising Package
Promotion Link
The Plan To Expand Your Speaker Reach
We have an amazing marketing plan in place to share your expert knowledge with our responsive audience.
Your "Return On Effort" (ROE) is important to us.  We have a roadmap to follow for expanding your exposure.  
Take one planned step at a time to maximize your audience reach.
You are a gut health expert. Your audience trust you. They love to receive FREE extras with your awesome guidance. Give them a new offer (infograph, ebook, video) which gives them incentive to sign up for the summit via your link.
Two weeks prior to the summit, mail a dedicated email to your list with a personalized link to the summit. Set this email, in advance, for a timed release at two weeks prior to the summit.  Set a second email for a timed release at one week prior to the summit. 
During week 1 and week 2, prior to the summit, send a promotional link to your social audience on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and other platforms where you have presence.
Create a bonus offer with the summit host (Sage Joya) for people that opt-in via your promotion link. You can either interview Sage Joya or create another type of unique bonus.
The day your session is schedule to air, email a reminder to your list. Repeat this step 30 minutes before your session and, again, at 5 minutes prior to your scheduled talk. People with busy schedules love the reminders.
For Additional Questions, Comments or Direction

Feel free to ask additional questions, submit comments or seek direction by emailing  It is most important that the seekers of gut health can receive your expertise. 
Let's work together to educate the masses in 2018!  
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